McCall CleanFutures 麦考尔清洁期货

McCall science teacher Scott Knoflicek, McCall’s Green Team, and McCall Home and School Association are proud to participate in the School District of Philadelphia’s CleanFutures contest! We’re inviting friends, family, and neighbors to join McCall’s Green Team to address litter throughout our community!

From Litterati: Litter is tangible, visual, approachable and easy to understand. We’ve designed the program to allow students to be part of the solution, solving issues within their own community, and collectively to build a more sustainable planet. This program is aligned with 7 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals & follows the principles of the UNESCO “Delors report”.

Will you join McCall’s Green Team?

Step 1: CLICK HERE to download the Litterati app and join McCall’s club.

Step 2: CLICK HERE to read a quick guide on how to use Litterati to address litter problems in our community. Start snapping photos and tagging!

UPDATE: Congratulations to McCall Science Teacher Scott Knoflicek and McCall Green Team on a successful School District of Philadelphia #CleanFutures Spring Cleanup! Surprise guest Councilmember Mark Squilla thanked McCall faculty, staff, students, friends, and families for leading by example. Check out this beautiful video, made by Jackie Raible! Special thanks to HSA board member Lindsay Williams for partnering with United By Blue, and to Andrew Freedman and Seger Dog Park Owners Association for giving each student a $5 gift card to a local coffee shop. To date, McCall Green Team has collected over 7,553 pieces of litter, using Litterati app! Would you like to help Mr. Knoflicek and Mr. Petusky expand McCall’s STEM education with a new STEM lab? Please make a donation of any amount or purchase a ticket to attend the May 10 McCall Gala, our school’s largest fundraiser of the year!


McCall科学老师Scott Knoflicek,McCall的绿色团队以及McCall家庭和学校协会很自豪能够参加费城学区的CleanFutures竞赛!我们邀请朋友,家人和邻居加入McCall的绿色团队,以解决整个社区的垃圾问题!





祝贺McCall科学教师Scott Knoflicek和McCall Green团队成功完成费城学区#CleanFutures Spring Cleanup!特邀嘉宾会员Mark Squilla感谢McCall的教职员工,学生,朋友和家人以身作则。看看这个由Jackie Raible制作的精彩视频!特别感谢HSA董事会成员Lindsay Williams与United By Blue合作,以及Andrew Freedman和Seger Dog Park Owners Association为每位学生赠送一张价值5美元的礼品卡给当地一家咖啡店。迄今为止,McCall Green Team使用Litterati app收集了超过7,553件垃圾!您想帮助Knoflicek先生和Petusky先生通过新的STEM实验室扩展McCall的STEM教育吗?请捐赠任何金额或购买门票参加5月10日McCall Gala,这是我们学校今年最大的筹款活动!